
৫০ টি বিশ্লেষণাত্মক কুইজ।

৫০ টি বিশ্লেষণাত্মক কুইজ। স্কুল ও কলেজের ছাত্র ছাত্রীদের অবশ্যই জেনে রাখা উচিত।

  • Question of

    It is impossible to cook without

    • Water
    • pot
    • heat
    • spice
  • Question of

    Cloud:Rain:: Vapour

    • Moisture
    • Cold
    • Wet
    • Heat
  • Question of

    ———– ছাড়া ভালো ছাত্র হওয়া যায় না।

    • মেধা
    • শ্রম
    • অধ্যাবসায়
    • সময়নিষ্ঠা
  • Question of

    আমার কক্ষে এক বৃদ্ধ দম্পতি ও তাদের সাথে দুই দম্পতি প্রত্যেকে দুইজন করে সন্তানসহ আমার কক্ষে প্রবেশ করলেন। আমার কক্ষে মোট কতজন লোক হল?

    • ১০
    • ১১
    • ১২
  • Question of

    কোনটি আলাদা?

    • ঢাকা
    • দিল্লী
    • ইসলামাবাদ
    • হাওয়াই
  • Question of

    ——— ছাড়া সেলাই করা অসম্ভব

    • সূচ
    • মেশিন
    • সুতা
    • দর্জি
  • Question of

    কোনটি আলাদা?

    • ঢাকা
    • দিল্লী
    • ইসলামাবাদ
    • হাওয়াই
  • Question of

    মাতা পিতাকে শ্রদ্ধা করা আমাদের —–

    • প্রথা
    • কর্তব্য
    • নিয়ম
    • ধর্ম
    • ধর্ম
  • Question of

    Which is dissimilar?

    • Bangladesh
    • No
    • Japan
    • Pakistan
  • Question of

    You should ask the —— about the train timing.

    • Station Master
    • Information Desk
    • Ticket Checker
    • Railway Police
  • Question of

    আপনার দাদার ছেলের নাতির বাবার স্ত্রীর মা আপনার কি হয়?

    • দাদী
    • নানী
    • মা
    • শ্বাশুড়ী
  • Question of

    পৃথিবীঃসূর্য :: চাদঃ

    • গ্রহ
    • পৃথিবী
    • নক্ষত্র
    • তারকা
  • Question of

    উধর্তন কর্মকর্তা এক সপ্তাহের জন্য বাইরে যাবেন বলে সালমানকে পরিকল্পনাটা —- দিতে হবে? সময়ের আগে প্রত্যেককে বাস্তবায়ন করে শেষ করে

    • সময়ের আগে
    • প্রত্যেককে
    • বাস্তবায়ন করে
    • শেষ করে
  • Question of

    The word disco is a shortened version of which word ?

    • discotheque
    • discontinue
    • discomfiled
    • discompose
  • Question of

    What is another name for portable computer ?

    • Desktop
    • Laptop
    • Maintop
    • Abacus
  • Question of

    Which has stronger winds ?

    • Torando
    • Cyclone
    • Breeze
    • Breeze
  • Question of

    Who among the following came earlier ?

    • plato
    • socrates
    • aristotle
    • M K gandhi
  • Question of

    If 4 is subtracted from 1/4th of a number the result is 20.what is that number ?

    • 24
    • 36
    • 38
    • 96
  • Question of

    Great mind think

    • alike
    • unlikely
    • likely
    • like
  • Question of

    Among the following lights which one has the shortest wavelength

    • violet
    • blue
    • green
    • red
  • Question of

    Having scored 98 runs in the 19th innings a cricketer increase his average score by 4.what will be his average score after the 19th innings ?

    • 24
    • 28
    • 26
  • Question of

    If you have patience:(p) to become an interesting and enthusiastic listener (q) from the other person himself (r) and if you train yourself (s) you will get to know all the details first hand

    • PRSQ
    • PSRQ
    • RPSQ
    • RSQP
  • Question of

    You must leave a note: (p) otherwise she will be terribly worried (q) for your mother (r) at the usual hour (s) if you are not back home

    • QPRS
    • SRPQ
    • SRQP
    • QPSR
  • Question of

    As the situation has changed: (p) since we last discussed this matter (q) it was best to contact you (r) it appeared to me (s) without losing time

    • PQRS
    • No
    • PRQS
    • SPRQ
  • Question of

    The idea of the yahoos: (p) too (q) in all its devastating implications (r) is one to be explored (s) but not taken as the last word about human nature

    • PRQS
    • RQSP
    • SPRQ
    • SRPQ
  • Question of

    Which of the following words is correctly spelt ?

    • inaugural
    • inaugaural
    • inugural
    • innautgural
  • Question of

    If X and Y are prime numbers then which of the following cannot be the sum of X and Y ?

    • 5
    • 13
    • 23
    • 26
  • Question of

    A price of music played or sung by one person

    • mono
    • lone
    • solo
    • melodious
  • Question of

    One man who hates woman

    • misogamist
    • misogynist
    • feminist
    • misanthrope
  • Question of

    A price of music played or sung by one person

    • miser
    • lone
    • solo
    • melodious
  • Question of

    To think intensely

    • brood
    • ponder
    • imaging
    • speculate
  • Question of

    If T were to become a left handed player how many different teams could be formed ?

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • Question of

    In a class of 25 students 44% are boys.what is the ratio of boys to girls in the class ?

    • 11:13
    • 11:33
    • 04:00
    • 01:04
  • Question of

    Find the missing number in the series 3,6,18,72,360-

    • 720
    • 1440
    • 2160
    • none of these
  • Question of

    Find the missing number in the series 1/16,1/4,4.

    • 16
    • 4
    • 40910
    • 1
  • Question of

    If the average of two numbers is M and the larger number is L the other number is-

    • M-L
    • L-M
    • 2M-L
    • L-2M
  • Question of

    If 3 apples cost 19 cents,how many apples can be purchased for $ 1.52 ?

    • 19
    • 22
    • 24
  • Question of

    what percent of 50 is 2 ?

    • 4
    • 0.4
    • 0.04
    • 10
  • Question of

    Although zahid is too much inexperieneced for the managerial position the is a willful young man and obdurately refuses to withdraw his application

    • foolishly
    • reluctantly
    • constanly
    • stubbornly
  • Question of

    After taking the 3rd quiz the average score of a student dropped from 82 to 78 . What was the score of his last quiz ?

    • 68
    • 70
    • 72
    • 72
  • Question of

    which one is plural in number ?

    • datum
    • agenda
    • memorandum
    • none of these are plural
  • Question of

    In how many ways can a subcommittee of four persons be formed from amongst four woman and six men so that one particular man is always included ?

    • 126
    • 510
    • 370
    • 530
  • Question of

    All 120 students in a class play cricket or football of both.75 paly cricket and play football.How many student play both ?

    • 13
    • 15
    • 21
    • 17
  • Question of

    Murad bought equal numbers of 20 point and 30 paisa stamps.If the total cost of the stamps was tk 10,what was the total number of stamps bought ?

    • 26
    • 36
    • 40
    • 45
  • Question of

    The minimum value of 2x

    • -13
    • -6.5
    • 6
  • Question of

    If (x+3) is a factor of px

    • 4091
    • 3
    • -3
  • Question of

    If x = 25 and a = 10, then the value of x/x-a plus a/a-x is-

    • 1
    • 10
    • 15
  • Question of

    If x < y and y < -4,then which of the statement is not true ?

    • (4) < x
    • x < y
    • x < (4)
    • x < y < 4
    • x < y < 4
  • Question of

    Give me a hand ___ ?

    • do you
    • will you
    • don’t you
    • arent you
  • Question of

    You should ask the —— about the train timing.

    • Station Master
    • Information Desk
    • Ticket Checker
    • Railway Police

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Written by Azaher Ali Rajib

৫ টি উপায় উল্লেখ করবো যা অনুসরন করে আপনিও হতে পারেন স্মার্ট।

বাংলাদেশ অ্যাফেয়ার্স- ৫০টি কুইজ।