
ভার্চুয়াল জগতের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ১০০টি কুইজ।

বর্তমানে আমারা অনেক ই ভার্চুয়াল জগতের খোঁজ খবর রাখি। ইন্টারনেটের কল্যাণে পৃথিবীর আপ্রান্তে থেকে অপ্রাণে আমরা সাঁতার কেটে বেড়াই। তবে ভার্চুয়াল জগতের আমরা অনেক কিছু ই জানি না। কিভাবে তার উৎপত্তি, এই বিষয়ে আমাদের আজকের কিছু কুইজ আয়োজন। যা আপনার জানার পরিধিকে আরো বাড়িয়ে দেবে।

  • Question of

    Which is an essential component of a LAN

    • Router
    • Gateway
    • NIC
    • Modem
  • Question of

    Elaboration of VIRUS is-

    • Versatile Information Research Under Seize
    • Vital Information Resource Under Seize
    • Video Information Resource Under Seize
    • Volume of Information Resource Under Seize
  • Question of

    Which of the following is used to display web content ?

    • Web Browser
    • Antivirus
    • Pen Drive
    • Scaner
    • Scaner
  • Question of

    Company that provides internet services is called

    • Web developer
    • No
    • Internet Service Provider
    • Programmer
  • Question of

    Which one is the functional key asking to display ‘Save As’ Box ?

    • F5
    • F12
    • F2
    • F1
  • Question of

    What is the standard storage capacity of a CD-ROM ?

    • 24 GB
    • 512 MB
    • 700 GB
    • 700 MB
    • 700 MB
  • Question of

    MPEG extension refer to –

    • MS Office Document Images File
    • Audio FIle
    • Video File
  • Question of

    Which is the largest unit of storage ?

    • Gigabyte
    • Terabyte
    • Megabyte
    • Kilobyte
    • Kilobyte
  • Question of

    INI’ extension refers usually to what kind of file ?

    • Image File
    • Word File
    • System File
    • Audio File
  • Question of

    Who Co-founded Hotmail in 1996 and then sold the company to Microsoft ?

    • Sabeer Bhatia
    • Ray Tomlinson
    • Mike Jhon
    • Amy Adams
    • Amy Adams
  • Question of

    What is the alternative name of portable computer ?

    • Desktop
    • Laptop
    • Windows
    • System
  • Question of

    What is the term to ask the computer to put information in order numerically or alphabetically ?

    • Sort
    • Crop
    • Record
    • Record
    • Record
  • Question of

    LCD Stand for –

    • Liquid Crystal Display
    • Level And Dean Disk Level
    • Crystal Disk
    • None of these
    • None of these
  • Question of

    What function does F3 stand for in most computers ?

    • Refresh
    • Help
    • Find
    • Save
    • Save
  • Question of

    Which one of the following is an exampple of spreadsheet software ?

    • MD Word
    • MS Access
    • Adove Photoshop
    • MS Excel
    • MS Excel
  • Question of

    Which one of the following is the predecessor of modern internet ?

    • NSFNET
    • DNET
  • Question of

    The file extension .EXE generally refers to what kind of file ?

    • Excel File
    • Executable file
    • Audio file
    • Image file
    • Image file
  • Question of

    Common keyboard arrangement is called ?

    • QWERTY
    • QUERTY
    • QUETRY
    • QURTEY
  • Question of

    Which of the following searches web site by keyword(s) ?

    • Scaner
    • Search Engines
    • Spyware
    • Web Bugs
    • Web Bugs
  • Question of

    OMR means –

    • Optical Mark Recognition
    • Original Mark Recognition
    • Only Mark Recognition
    • Optical Media Reading
    • Optical Media Reading
    • Optical Media Reading
  • Question of

    The wheel of mouse can make it easier to do what ?

    • Select object
    • Scroll through documents
    • Open document
    • Change Volume
  • Question of

    BAK’ extension refers usually to what kind of file ?

    • Yes
    • System File
    • Audio FIle
    • Backup File
  • Question of

    What does DOCSIS stand for ?

    • Data Over Cable Security Internet Std
    • Data Over Cable Service Inerface Specification
    • Data Over Cable Security International Stds
    • Data Over Cable Service Inernet Standard
    • Data Over Cable Service Inernet Standard
  • Question of

    The symbol on a screen that tells you where you are is known as –

    • Scroll
    • Window
    • Cursor
    • Data
    • Data
  • Question of

    Who Co-create the UNIX operating system in 1969 with Dennis Ritchie ?

    • Ken thompson
    • Steve Wozmak
    • Steve Jobs
    • mikel Jhon
  • Question of

    A computer professional who writes and tests software is called a(n) –

    • System analyst
    • No
    • Programmer
    • operator
  • Question of

    Windows is a/an

    • Antivirus Software
    • Operating System
    • Scanning Software
    • Programming language
  • Question of

    VOIP means –

    • Voice Over Intranet Protocol
    • Voice Over Internet Provider
    • Very Odd Internet Protocol
    • Voice Over Internet Protocol
    • Voice Over Internet Protocol
  • Question of

    Which of the following application is used for calculations ?

    • MS Word
    • No
    • MS Excel
    • Adove Photoshop
    • Adove Photoshop
  • Question of

    Which one of the following is an example of open source operating system ?

    • Yes
    • Redhat Linux
    • Windows 8
    • DOS
  • Question of

    Unsolicited commercial e-mail is commonly known as –

    • Junk
    • Virus
    • URL
    • Spam
    • Spam
  • Question of

    Which one is an output device ?

    • Projector
    • Scanner
    • Webcam
    • Microphone
  • Question of

    What function does F5 stand for in most computers ?

    • Refresh
    • Help
    • Find
    • Save
  • Question of

    In an email address ‘aaa@bbb.ccc’ the portion ‘bbb’ indicates ?

    • Domain type
    • Protocol name
    • Domain name
    • Server type
  • Question of

    Which one of the following device is required to set up a LAN ?

    • Speaker
    • Network Interface Card
    • Coupler
    • Pen Drive
  • Question of

    Which of the following is the fastest network media ?

    • Wi-Fi
    • WIMAX
    • 3G
    • Fiber Optic Cable
  • Question of

    The letter ‘E’ in the word ‘E-Commerce’ stands for –

    • Emergency
    • No
    • Electronic
    • Express
    • Express
  • Question of

    which one is the application software ?

    • Windows
    • MS Word
    • Linux
    • DOS
    • DOS
  • Question of

    Which of the following is a keyboard command to copy some text in MS Word ?

    • Ctrl + C
    • Shift + C
    • Ctrl + X
    • Alt + C
    • Alt + C
  • Question of

    Which types of interfce allow conection, control musical instruments to computer ?

    • DIMI
    • MIDI
    • DIIM
    • MDII
  • Question of

    Which of the following is not an anti virus software ?

    • Norton
    • No
    • Windows 8
    • Kaspersky
    • Kaspersky
  • Question of

    Which of the following commands is given to reboot the computer ?

    • Ctrl + Alt + Del
    • No
    • Ctrl + Alt + Tab
    • Ctrl + Shift + Del
  • Question of

    Which number system is used to store data in a computer ?

    • Yes
    • Octal
    • Binary
    • Hexa Decimal
  • Question of

    Which one is an input device ?

    • Monitor
    • Joystick
  • Question of

    Which one is an input device ?

    • Printers
    • Speaker
    • Joystick
  • Question of

    which company was the first to introduce laser printer ?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Hewlett-Packard
    • Microsoft
    • Microsoft
  • Question of

    VGA Means –

    • Video Graphics Array
    • Video General Array
    • Voice General Array
    • Video Geo Array
  • Question of

    Which on is video sharing website ?

    • Youtube
    • Cricinfo
    • Yahoo
    • Skype
    • skypi
  • Question of

    Which one is not an online social networking website ?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Cricinfo
    • Google+
    • Google+

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Written by Azaher Ali Rajib


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