Elias Hossain released a vide today 30 August 2024 where he provided lots of cut and peice videos by Golam Mowla Roni.

Elias Hossain is successful because many people commenting how bad Roni has become. Unfortunately, because I have been watching Roni talk show and personal YouTube videos, I know Elias Hossain just lying about it all.
I don`t have time to challenge all video he posted due to time but here is some of them:
1) About ATN Bangla talk show regarding Manik. That talk show if you watch in full, you will see Manik was really upset from the beginning and started misbehaving from the beginning with the host and Roni was very calm and tried to keep the temperature down throughout but in Video Elias said Roni made Manik angry at the end by asking a dirty question which is totally wrong.
2) Corruption
I don`t know much about Roni but if he was and is corrupted, I am sure Hasina government could have put him behind bars easily. Unfortunately, he was jailed for not corruption but for writing things about Dorbesh Baba. You can see his explanation here:
3) India needs to attack Bangladesh to take over this country!!!!
If you watch the full video by Roni, you will see how Elias Hossain trying to spread propaganda. I don`t have time to go through all video and counter attach but I hope these three videos will clear my point.
Real question why Elias Hossain released this propaganda video.
Maybe he got money from Roni`s rival in his town where he will ask for nomination, or someone else paid to spread propaganda.
Note just because you like someone, don`t just come to conclusion about his remarks. Also remember everyone has a plan for new Bangladesh. As viewer you need to fact check all information before you take it.
Many people including BNP senior leader want Elias Hossain, Pinaki and Kawsar to join current Yunus government and I also want to see them in Bangladesh taking steps to fix this country. I love Elias Hossain for his work past few years. That does not mean I believe everything he says. I wish all the best for Elias Hossain, and I hope if he has guts, do release link for full videos for all videos he used so people can watch in full and decide who is right and who is wrong.
Also Elias can invite Rony in his channel. I am sure Roni is not coward so he will definitely come and face Elias fans and try to defend him.
Till than thank you all for reading.
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